Tribute from Ian's brother 13.02.2025
Created by Eva 29 days ago
As Ian’s older brother, I have many memories of growing up together and playing on the Malvern hills. He loved being immersed in the outdoors. From trekking in the Welsh mountains, to scrambling over rocks in the Californian desert, to muddy walks and climbing trees with Meera, Reuban and Lalita in Richmond Park. This love for creation fed Ian’s deeper sense of spirituality and of how the world works. It came out in his art & creativity, gardening & cooking as well as in his friendships with others.
I remember how he grew a lemon tree from just a handful of lemon pips and created an amazing roof garden when living in Putney. And his cooking, he would love to make many amazing dishes, from lamb stew to crispy kale.
He had a unique blend of being interested in the deeper things of life whilst also having fun. This blend spilled out into the Ian we all knew and loved. Deep, fun, kind, compassionate.
We loved his dry sense of humour. I remember his straight face when doing some silly dancing with him and Dad to some Jewish jazz music much to the amusement of our children and wives.
He didn't talk much about his spiritual journey, but the signs were there. From his early adulthood in the East London gospel church where he decided to be baptised, to later times of exploring his Jewishness, these deeper thoughts also became fundamental to his outlook and we all saw the fruit of his relationship with the deeper mysteries of God in the wisdom, kindness and gentleness he showed to others.
Ian, I will miss you so much, and one day maybe when we are both in that better place, let’s do some more Dad dancing.