Remembering Ian

Created by Simon 11 days ago
Logged into Facebook randomly, something to do with work. Saw Ian had died. So very, very sorry to hear that.

Here are some fond memories I have of him.

I went to the Chase with Ian, back in the 90s. I didn't know him particularly well in the early years, but I got to know him better in sixth form, as we both did Art A-level. Ian struck me as as a) very talented b) very nice and c) a TOTAL one-off. He was "at the edge" in a way I found fascinating. He was a geek, but a COOL art geek. He had a brilliant, zany sense of humor that I absolutely loved. I remember one one occasion when Mrs Dukes asked him to do something he didn't want to, he just shouted out "SHAN'T!" in this hilarious, faux-childish way, had us all in stitches. It became a catch-phrase for us all. As well as being extremely funny, he was also very thoughtful though. You could have a brilliant conversation about the world with him.

I remember Ian kinda 'owned' Art block. Seemed like he was always there, ahead of the rest of us in every way. He had access to bits of the building the teachers hadn't even told us about. I remember him showing me this upstairs room I wasn't even aware of, where he'd made this sort of creative home. He had all these awesome pieces he'd been doing that made me think, shit this guy is on another level, he rules this place.

A few years ago, we had a random interaction on social media. He was - as always - super genuine and really interested in communicating about what we were both up to. Seemed like he was doing amazing stuff, as expected.

So sorry he's gone.

Lots of love, Si Cam