From Aaron Maller (Director of Parallax) - Ian's friend through work communities

Created by Jessica 23 days ago
I've known Ian going on 15 years, although we didnt always get to talk frequently (obviously). So sad to hear, as he was an absolute joy to be around, and collaborate with. My favorite "Ian Story" is from my Pre-Parallax days, and... i think it had to be 2011 or 2012?

He sent me an email at my old job, wanting to talk about something related to industry Event (AU or BILT/RTC, i dont remember). But he started the email with a subject line (and a paragraph on) "Obviously we both agree about the superiority and how easy to configure and use Revit Server is, so i wanted to get your take on X, Y, and Z..."

I had ALREADY started smashing my fingers on my phone, typing a response about how ridiculous that was, and how we most certainly DIDNT agree, and then i got to his next paragraph: "About that: Completely just kidding. But now that i have your attention, lets talk about this event thing..."

I literally laughed out loud, in the office (was in Atlanta, at the time). He totally had my 'number,' and knew that he had "got me" the moment he sent that email. LOL. LOL.

I dont know what else to say, other than i loved his energy and humor. I feel so sad for his family. Hug your loved ones, everyone.